Video Optimization For Quick SEO Visibility

Video Optimization with

YouTube Video SEO

Want to know a secret? Google owns YouTube.

Big Deal, you already knew that didn’t you. But do you realize what that means for your local business?

It is easier to rank your existing or new YouTube Video than it is your web site. And so I am now offering Video Optimization services also known as YouTube Video SEO. And that’s good news for your business if you want to dominate the first page of Google results for your favorite keywords.

Now the reasons it’s easier to rank a YouTube video has to do with all the backlinks, longevity and nepotistic relationship it enjoys with Google.

But rather than bore you with technical details of Video Optimization and Video SEO, let me say that while important these alone are not enough to get your video on the first page of results.

But they do help.

Now what does video optimization

mean to you?

When we use YouTube Video SEO strategies to rank one of your videos on the first page of Google you get significantly enhanced visibility.

Let’s look at the following two Google Searches. The first is a fairly typical search result with ads on top followed by organic results below.

Now let’s look at a page where video optimization resulted in a YouTube video showing up on the page. Notice the thumbnail image Google displays for the optimized video SEO.

What do you want to bet that the listing with the image gets more clicks than most of the others?

The thumbnail draws people’s eyes to it, and the result is that they will click on the listing and see your message. That’s the beauty of Video Optimization and YouTube Video SEO.

Your optimized video will get a LOT more viewers. And this will be good for your business. People like videos.

Now when you appear on the first page of Google via YouTube Video Optimization you can still show up with Adwords ads, a Google Places listing and by having your regular website ranked as well.

When you show up two, three or even four times on the first page of Google Results for your keywords you will tend to dominate your market.

Your video placement will help squeeze one of your competitors off the first page. As a result you end up having multiple chances of presenting your proposition to prospective customers they may have stolen from you.

Additionally, your prospective customers will notice that you appear multiple times. They will assume it’s because you are the best. How’s that for a positive first impression?

YouTube video SEO is a powerful tool. It will increase your visibility and increase your ability to attract new customers.

Video SEO

Do you have a YouTube Video That No One Sees?

Now many businesses have YouTube videos that are not ranking or showing up on the first page of Google. It takes a special effort and know how to get them ranking.

And that is precisely why I am offering the new video optimization service to local businesses like yours.

I am so confident that I can succeed with my YouTube Video SEO strategy, I am offering a zero down, no risk proposition to the next handful of businesses that contact me.

There are some conditions. I need to be sure it will be worth my while, but here is the deal. Once we agree to work together, I will (at no cost to you) employ my video SEO techniques to get a copy of your existing video to rank on the first page of Google.

Once I do, and only after I do, you will pay me an agreed upon fee which we will negotiate upfront. (Depends on market, competition and difficulty level)

Once it’s up, you should start seeing results. If after 30 days of it’s being up, you decide it’s not working for you, for any reason whatsoever, you can contact me and I will refund your entire initial payment.

How’s that for a risk free offer?

Once the Video Optimization results in a first page presence, you will pay the monthly fee via a Paypal subscription. You will be ale to quit that at any time as well. No long term contracts.

Now to do this effectively, I can only work with one customer per niche per city. Otherwise the positive video optimization effects would get diluted. So if you have a video that sells your business, but that is not now ranking on the first page of Google, give me a holler.

This is a first come first serve deal. And my free upfront charge will disappear as soon as I get yours and a few more testimonials.

Email me at enetwal @ and put “YouTube Offer” in the subject line so it doesn’t get overlooked when I wade through my email.





[tags]YouTube Maketing, YouTube SEO, SEO, Local Marketing[/tags]

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