Have you run into Periscope yet?

I know a local mortgage broker who has all but given up on Facebook as his social media platform of choice and is loving Periscope. He posts a bit of an update about interests rates every day and offers a simple real estate tip.
Then he re-posts to facebook. Getting double duty for his effort.
Now my first inclination when a new vehicle like this comes on the market. One is to wait to see if it is going to really take. In this case, I think the opportunity is so strong that it may well make sense to dive in feet first.
But…I hate to spend the time to learn these new systems by myself. I find myself banging my head on the computer screen too much.
So I set out to find a good course on Periscope and I think I have found it.
It was put together by Kim Garst,. She is one of the world’s top social media experts, as well as CEO of Boom! Social. Boom! Social is a leading social media marketing firm.
You can wait for a few months and lose the opportunity to be a leader in this new emerging market, or you can decide to just teach yourself through trial and error. If you do, I understand. However, if you are ready to dig in and gain a first mover advantage in this exciting new arena, be sure to check out — Periscope Profit Machine.
Give it a look!